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Neonatal Pet Supplies

Neonatal Pet Supplies

There is nothing more important than making sure the youngest animals have the greatest support. As they start their lives, some struggle with development, and they need the attention and care of handlers like you to make sure they grow up healthy and strong. And you need the right tools to make sure they have the intensive care they deserve. That is where our neonatal pet supplies come in.
Neonatal Phlegm Suckage Machine
Neonatal Phlegm Suckage Machine

Take Care of Baby Animals With Our Neonatal Pet Supplies

We provide a range of supplies suitable for animal hospitals, veterinary practices, breeders, wildlife rescues, and shelters. Whether you treat puppies and kittens, exotic animals, birds, or wild critters, these neonatal supplies are ideal for giving young animals a great start in life.

Nurture Them in a Temperature-Controlled Incubator

The most advanced at-home incubator for puppies, kittens, and small animals is the Aeolus Pet UC-1803 Breeder’s Incubator. With dynamic temperature and humidity controls, it is a user-friendly incubator perfect for creating a secure, consistent environment that little animals need.

The purchasable external boost humidifier ensures that even exotic pets with greater temperature needs can feel comfortable and develop well. For those that need chilled airflow, our Incubator Air Conditioner easily attaches to the UC-1803 for your convenience.

Provide Respiratory Support With Puppy/Kitten Phlegm Suckage Machine

Newborn puppies and kittens may need help clearing their lungs and airways, which our Neonatal Phlegm Suckage Machine can easily provide. It can also be used to clear airways for neonates that aspirate on their mother’s milk or formula.

Suitable for both breeders and animal professionals, this machine delivers high negative pressure and a large flux. Its low-noise operations and portable design make it ideal for any situation.

Deliver On-Demand Oxygen Therapy

By easily attaching an oxygen concentrator, you can provide oxygen therapy at 70-80% C02 for 10 minutes to 2 hours. Our 3-liter concentrator fits perfectly into the UC-1803, and it is easy to use, even if you don’t have prior experience with a concentrator.

It works extremely quietly, so you will not have to worry about disturbing or scaring small pets or disrupting others in the area. With a clear LCD display, you have easy airflow management at your fingertips.

With a durable compressor and long-lasting, made-in-USA sieve, you can expect unwavering performance for years to come.

Complete Your Care With Breeding Supplies

In addition to our neonatal supplies, we also provide a selection of breeding supplies that can give newborn pets everything they need to get a great start in life. Click here to browse our newborn puppy and kitten supplies.

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